24 03, 2018

The Next Generation is Determined to Move the Needle

By |2023-09-05T22:37:42+00:00March 24, 2018|Empowerment, Impact of Wealth, Next Generation, Philanthropy, Wealth Transfer|Comments Off on The Next Generation is Determined to Move the Needle

By 2061, a new generation of donors is expected to inherit an estimated $59 trillion dollars and to donate almost half of that to charity. Additionally, there are an increasing number of the next generation that has earned their own fortunes at a young age, and have begun stepping up […]

17 01, 2018

Too Early (or Too Late) for the Inheritance Conversation

By |2023-09-05T22:42:17+00:00January 17, 2018|Family, Impact of Wealth, Inheritance, Wealth, Wealth Transfer|Comments Off on Too Early (or Too Late) for the Inheritance Conversation

In The Opposite of Spoiled, Ron Lieber referenced several studies that showed that as early as age 3, children had begun making assumptions about class as it relates to money. By Age 6, children had begun keeping score of possessions and judging accordingly. By […]

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