family retreat, family meeting, multi-generations sitting at conference table, professional, woman leading discussion, collaborating, family business, enterprise, gathering

Family Retreat. Family Meeting.

Traditionally, family meetings have been focused on the family’s current financial, legal, business and philanthropic status. The rising generation often resists attending meetings with this singular focus.

Dynamics of Family Wealth creates an insightful and fun space where family gathers for the purpose of receiving updates on the above topics, plus education on areas of interest and deep conversations that are rare after children become adults, move away, and begin their own families. The goal is deeper understanding and compassion, wisdom and curiosity. The family is encouraged to attend with open hearts, ears and minds and enjoy the interactive, exploratory nature of the family gathering.

“We were very pleased with the results of our Family Retreat with Ginni. Our eldest son, then aged 27, was initially quite doubtful about the effectiveness and cost of holding such a Retreat. At the end, he said that the sessions and summary meeting were very worthwhile and effective. We all continue to refer back to the new insights learned individually about ourselves, each other and the family unit during the Retreat. Given the proper time and conditions, we would seriously consider holding another retreat with Ginni, especially if/when our sons find life partners.”

Charlie and Sylvia

Family Retreat.
Family Meeting.

Traditionally, family meetings have been focused on the family’s current financial, legal, business, and philanthropic status. The rising generation often resists attending meetings with this sole focus.

Our family retreats/meetings create an insightful and fun space where family gathers together for the purpose of receiving updates and education around all of the above topics, plus education on subject areas of interest and deep conversations that are rare after children become adults, move away, and begin their own families. The goal is deeper understanding and compassion, wisdom and curiosity. The family is encouraged to attend with open hearts, ears and minds and enjoy the interactive, exploratory nature of the meeting.

“We were very pleased with the results of our Family Retreat with Ginni. Our eldest son, then aged 27, was initially quite doubtful about the effectiveness and cost of holding such a Retreat. At the end, he said that the sessions and summary meeting were very worthwhile and effective. We all continue to refer back to the new insights learned individually about ourselves, each other and the family unit during the Retreat. Given the proper time and conditions, we would seriously consider holding another retreat with Ginni, especially if/when our sons find life partners.”

Charlie and Sylvia

Topics and issues we explore:


We work with families (individuals first, then as a group) to illuminate their most deeply held core and aspirational values and what they need to be successful. Our values influence our behavior and how we make decisions. They are the foundation upon which we stand as individuals, as a family, and as a family business.


A family’s vision and mission define who they are. They provide the map to where they are going and how they will get there. The creation of a family’s values, vision and mission statement is a very powerful and bonding experience.


Through skillfully designed retreats families learn to be skilled at decision-making, govern as a family, recognize the right time for the inheritance conversation, nurture leadership in the rising generation, and steel themselves for very difficult conversations.


Family wealth education in the 21st century has changed from focusing primarily on financial education. The 21st century requires recognition and enrichment of individual family members’ human, social, intellectual, spiritual, and financial capitals.


The topic of leadership is multi-dimensional. From identifying and cultivating the leadership style in each family member, to transitioning from being a parental monarch to a mentor.


The traditional balance sheet only reflects the family or family business’ financial assets and liabilities. Dynamics of Family Wealth takes the time to explore all the family’s capitals that make up its wealth (human, social, spiritual, intellectual and financial).


Introducing new members into one’s family is a part of life. For families of wealth it is especially important to take time to create a roadmap to lovingly and effectively introducing and integrating newcomers into the family’s history, stories, values and culture.


Family members often know the general history of its family and how the wealth was created. Taking the time to explore, share and document the family story from a lessons-learned perspective provides wonderful beacons to future generations.

Topics and issues we explore:


We work with families (first individually and then as a family) to illuminate their most deeply held core and aspirational values and what they need to be successful. Our values influence our behavior and how we make decisions. They are the foundation upon which we stand as individuals…as a family…as a family business.


A family’s vision and mission are statements of who they are. They provide guidance for where they are going and how they will get there The creation of a family’s values, vision and mission statements is a very powerful and bonding experience.


From learning how to make decisions and govern as a family, to acquiring knowledge as to when and how to have the inheritance conversation, to developing leadership in the rising generation, to embarking on the most difficult conversations…all are skills learned through skillfully designed family gatherings.


Family wealth education in the 21st century has changed from focusing primarily on financial education. The 21st century requires recognition and enrichment of individual family members’ human, social, intellectual, spiritual, AND financial capitals.


The topic of leadership has so many dimensions, from identifying and cultivating the leadership style in each family member, to transitioning from being a parental monarch to becoming a mentor.


The traditional balance sheet only reflects the family or family business’ financial assets and liabilities. We take the time to explore all the families capitals that make up a family’s wealth (human, social, spiritual, intellectual and financial).


Introducing new members into one’s family is a part of life. For families of wealth, it is especially important to take time to create a roadmap for lovingly and effectively introducing and integrating new members into the family’s history, stories, values, and culture.


Family members often know the general history of its family and how the wealth was created. Taking the time, however, to explore, share and document the family story from a lessons learned perspective provides wonderful beacons to future generations.

Time to chart a new course?

Let’s navigate together.

Time to chart a new course?

We’ll help you navigate.

Beginning the conversation is the most significant step you’ll take.