24 03, 2018

The Next Generation is Determined to Move the Needle

By |2023-09-05T22:37:42+00:00March 24, 2018|Empowerment, Impact of Wealth, Next Generation, Philanthropy, Wealth Transfer|Comments Off on The Next Generation is Determined to Move the Needle

By 2061, a new generation of donors is expected to inherit an estimated $59 trillion dollars and to donate almost half of that to charity. Additionally, there are an increasing number of the next generation that has earned their own fortunes at a young age, and have begun stepping up […]

16 01, 2017

Trends in Philanthropy, 2017

By |2023-09-05T22:35:21+00:00January 16, 2017|Donor, Philanthropy|Comments Off on Trends in Philanthropy, 2017

A number of very good “trends in philanthropy” studies have been conducted over the last couple of years. Below are highlights from a compilation of several reports.*

Gen X­ers and Millennials Could be the Most Significant Philanthropists Ever

  • The wealthiest 10% of Americans now own 75% of all the wealth in […]
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