Families of wealth, family of three swinging small child, walking down grassy path away from home, nurturing, growth, values, middle aged parents

Families of Wealth

The impact of significant money on ultra- and high-net-worth-individuals and families can be particularly complex as the history of wealth and money brings with them a unique set of issues that affect almost every aspect of a family’s life from generation to generation.

Ginni Galicinao answers the nagging question about why it is so complex. Money is the great magnifier of all that is great and challenging. When multiple members and various branches of a family share ownership in a family’s financial and tangible assets, how they learn to make decisions together as adults becomes paramount to the future and sustainability of the family.

“We were very pleased with the results of our Family Retreat with Ginni. Our eldest son, then aged 27, was initially quite doubtful about the effectiveness and cost of holding such a Retreat. At the end, he said that the sessions and summary meeting were very worthwhile and effective. We all continue to refer back to the new insights learned individually about ourselves, each other and the family unit during the Retreat. Given the proper time and conditions, we would seriously consider holding another retreat with Ginni, especially if/when our sons find life partners.”

— Charlie and Sylvia, Australia

“We were very pleased with the results of our Family Retreat with Ginni. Our eldest son, then aged 27, was initially quite doubtful about the effectiveness and cost of holding such a Retreat. At the end, he said that the sessions and summary meeting were very worthwhile and effective. We all continue to refer back to the new insights learned individually about ourselves, each other and the family unit during the Retreat. Given the proper time and conditions, we would seriously consider holding another retreat with Ginni, especially if/when our sons find life partners.”

— Charlie and Sylvia, Australia

Families of Wealth

The impact of significant money on ultra- and high-net-worth-individuals and families can be particularly complex as the history of wealth and money brings with them a unique set of issues that affect almost every aspect of a family’s life…from generation to generation.

Why is it so complex? Money is the great magnifier of all that is great and all that is challenging. When multiple members and various branches of a family share ownership in a family’s financial and tangible assets, how a family learns to make decisions together as adults becomes paramount to the future and sustainability of the family.

“We were very pleased with the results of our Family Retreat with Ginni. Our eldest son, then aged 27, was initially quite doubtful about the effectiveness and cost of holding such a Retreat. At the end, he said that the sessions and summary meeting were very worthwhile and effective. We all continue to refer back to the new insights learned individually about ourselves, each other and the family unit during the Retreat. Given the proper time and conditions, we would seriously consider holding another retreat with Ginni, especially if/when our sons find life partners.”

— Charlie and Sylvia, Australia

communication family love integrity friendship identity self-expression growthcommunication family love integrity friendship identity self-expression growth

The Inheritance Conversation

Dynamics of Family Wealth helps clear up the misconception that parents have to reveal all or nothing to their children. There is so much more for families to explore and learn together before the semi or big reveal.

Assimilating children to the concept of family wealth is a process which starts at a very young age (more on that later). For young adults, education begins with helping them understand who they are as individuals and members of a family of wealth. And, most importantly, the conversation begins when they become an integral part of a transparent and authentic process of working together as a family of adults.

The Family Culture Dynamic

Working with families to unveil their family culture is one of Ginni Galicinao’s first steps. Family culture is a multi-layered process that investigates culture as a familial group, as individuals of the family, and spouses that marry into the family.

Cultivating clear communication, resolving conflict, addressing power struggles, and clearing confusion around individual and family identities are key to bringing a family’s culture into alignment.

communication family love integrity friendship identity self-expression growthcommunication family love integrity friendship identity self-expression growth

Our Process

Determine overarching issues, concerns and goals with the family leaders.

Confidential individual interviews with family members and key stakeholders to begin identifying high-level themes and gain insight into the issues and questions of everyone involved.

  • Unpack, share and discuss key take-aways from our interviews
  • Introduce the family to why this work is important
  • Discuss options and agree upon next steps.
Values form the foundation of our lives. They inform how we make decisions and behave. Our Values reflect who we are, what we stand for, and what we hope to be known for. While clarifying individual and family values are important, it is the process and discussions that take place during these exercises that are most enlightening. The individual and family values exercise is a wonderful to way to learn something new about each other.

Helping a family become clear about its purpose is our next step. Through collaboration on their values, vision and mission, this is frequently the first time many families truly work together as adults toward a common goal. It is the family decision-making process in action.

Explore and create a wealth mission statement and family wealth balance sheet to define the true purpose of the family’s wealth. For many, the family wealth balance sheet serves as a navigation tool to determine what the family needs to work on going forward.

Create a unique family plan that will assist members with navigating next steps. Some families find that forming a family charter is helpful to define who they are, what is important to them, and how they make decisions as a family.

Many family members (especially the rising generation and their spouses) come away saying, “This was the first time we actually talked about the money in a meaningful way!”

It’s important to note that the journey doesn’t stop here! There is so much that families of wealth discover they need, and want, to learn about in order that they continue to prosper and grow as a family…and as individuals. Some topics include:

  • Age-appropriate finance and budgeting education
  • Investment education
  • Legacy and planning
  • The pre-prenuptial process
  • Onboarding new family members
  • Philanthropy
  • When and how to say yes…and no
  • Gifting and loaning to others
  • When and how do we begin educating the kids about money
  • Trusts: how do they work, roles, rights and responsibilities as beneficiaries
  • Trustees: roles and responsibilities

Our Process

Determine overarching issues, concerns and goals with the family leaders.

Confidential individual interviews with family members and key stakeholders to begin identifying high-level themes and gain insight into the issues and questions of everyone involved.

  • Unpack, share and discuss key take-aways from our interviews
  • Introduce the family to why this work is important
  • Discuss options and agree upon next steps.
Values form the foundation of our lives. They inform how we make decisions and behave. Our Values reflect who we are, what we stand for, and what we hope to be known for. While clarifying individual and family values are important, it is the process and discussions that take place during these exercises that are most enlightening. The individual and family values exercise is a wonderful to way to learn something new about each other.

Helping a family become clear about its purpose is our next step. Through collaboration on their values, vision and mission, this is frequently the first time many families truly work together as adults toward a common goal. It is the family decision-making process in action.

Explore and create a wealth mission statement and family wealth balance sheet to define the true purpose of the family’s wealth. For many, the family wealth balance sheet serves as a navigation tool to determine what the family needs to work on going forward.

Create a unique family plan that will assist members with navigating next steps. Some families find that forming a family charter is helpful to define who they are, what is important to them, and how they make decisions as a family.

Many family members (especially the rising generation and their spouses) come away saying, “This was the first time we actually talked about the money in a meaningful way!”

It’s important to note that the journey doesn’t stop here! There is so much that families of wealth discover they need, and want, to learn about in order that they continue to prosper and grow as a family…and as individuals. Some of those topics include:

  • Age-appropriate finance and budgeting education
  • Investment education
  • Legacy and planning
  • The pre-prenuptial process
  • Onboarding new family members
  • Philanthropy
  • When and how to say yes…and no
  • Gifting and loaning to others
  • When and how do we begin educating the kids about money
  • Trusts: how do they work, roles, rights and responsibilities as beneficiaries
  • Trustees: roles and responsibilities

Time to chart a new course?

Let’s navigate together.

Time to chart a new course?

We’ll help you navigate.

Beginning the conversation is the most significant step you’ll take.