Power of the Family Story


While a chronological history and family tree are valuable and have their place, the power of this family story is its ability to share pivotal aspects of your own history and family. It includes lessons learned and important themes that have influenced your life and the creation of the family’s wealth.

Additionally, we reach beyond your personal story to delve into and document memories you have of your loved ones. Stories of when they were born, things they did that were touching and made you proud, and so much more.

We will explore the branching points (turning points) in your and your immediate family’s history, as well as the stories and life lessons worth retaining and sharing. You will come to understand the passions, motivations and challenges that have influenced familial decisions. And, you will begin to recognize the threads that run through your family’s life; thus, gaining insight and wisdom as to how you would like for this knowledge to guide you and your family going forward.

Powerful family stories capture and document your reflections. They provide strength to your family’s foundation and provide valuable wisdom, knowledge and insight for future generations.