Advisor collaboration, family business office, young executives, meeting in glass conference room, pointing at key metric graphs, engaged attention, men and women

Advisor Collaboration



Advisors to families of wealth bring an array of wisdom and expertise, from Investment Advisors, to Planning experts, to Trust advisors, to Estate attorneys, Tax Lawyers, to Commercial and Financial Bankers to Philanthropic Advisors, to Business Consultants and more. Most are experts in their field, yet struggle to make their way through the mire of their client’s family dynamics and multiple communication styles.

Through workshops and individual partnerships, we have worked with Advisors to understand and navigate these complex dynamics, while simultaneously supporting them in cultivating enhanced client family relationships (especially with the Rising Generation), thus ensuring long-term retention.

Advisor Collaboration

Advisor collaboration, business professionals sitting at conference table, talking to each other, computers, notepads, meeting, business leaders

Advisors to families of wealth bring an array of wisdom and expertise to the table. Investment advisors, planning experts, trust advisors, estate attorneys, tax lawyers, commercial and financial bankers, philanthropic advisors, business consultants and more typically play a pivotal role in family wealth and enterprise. While most are experts in their field, they can still struggle (or simply don’t have the decades of experience understanding family communication) to make their way through the mire of their client’s family dynamics and multiple engagement styles. This need to streamline led us to advisor collaborations where we are able to serve our clients in the most comprehensive way possible—fitting all of the important pieces together.

Through workshops and individual partnerships, Dynamics of Family Wealth teams with advisors to understand and navigate these complex situations, while simultaneously supporting them in cultivating highly functioning client-family relationships (most notably with the rising generation), thereby ensuring long-term client retention.

Time to chart a new course?

Let’s navigate together.

Time to chart a new course?

We’ll help you navigate.

Beginning the conversation is the most significant step you’ll take.